Troubled Teens
Caron Adolescent Residential Treatment Center
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Caron Adolescent Residential Treatment Center

Program Type: Residential Treatment Center
Ages: 12-17
State: PA
City: Wernersville
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Program Description:
At Caron, we don't try to treat young chemically dependent people the way we treat adults. We know that the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development of adolescents differs from that of adults; they have a different set of values and problems. To deal with these issues, teens need to get away from their environment to a safe place where they can talk with others their age and with professionals who understand their special concerns. The Caron Adolescent Center is a modern, gender-separate treatment facility for youth, 13-19 years old. The center can accommodate 40 patients and is staffed to ensure personalized care. An on-site teaching staff provides classroom instruction and contact with the patients' home school districts. Its peaceful mountain setting at the edge of Caron's main campus in Wernersville, PA fosters change and growth. Our adolescent treatment program involves group, individualized and family therapy with recreational and expressive therapies, along with educational components. The program, which is individualized to meet the needs of each and every teenager, is creative and action-oriented, which is most effective with our young people. We involve families in the treatment process from the very beginning, and keep them informed of their teen's progress on a regular basis.

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