Troubled Teens
Victory Forge Military Aacdemy
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Victory Forge Military Aacdemy

Program Type: Boarding School
Ages: 12 - 17
State: FL
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Program Description:
Victory Forge is a 12 month  Residential Highly Structured Academic Program that utilizes military style components for the establishment of a "Doctrine of Discipline" in the lives of the teens who come to the school. The objective of Victory Forge is to provide a tough, highly structured, high impact academic and extracurricular program that will remold and turn around the lives of rebellious and troubled teenagers. The program objectives are facilitated through the use of a "Code of Conduct" that contains the seven core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self Sacrifice, Honor, Integrity, & Personal Courage. Victory Forge has a unique behavior modification system that promotes and achieves needed changes in the lives of struggling youth. We promote traditional values such as honesty, openness, respect, teamwork, and accountability in order to instill a positive, responsible, cooperative attitude that will prepare them to successfully live in their family, community and society. At Victory Forge we strive to rehabilitate troubled youth from the absolute standpoint. The basic principles on which our program operates include: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity,& Personal Courage. It is important to give the troubled young person the proper perspective about life. To genuinely re-educate an individual, one must present the total picture, helping him or her to see the need and purpose for change as well as how it can be accomplished. We believe that God designed each individual with certain talents, abilities and a unique personality. It is our task to help young people uncover their true identity and capitalize on their strengths as well as recognizing their weaknesses. Each component of our re-education program is interrelated, and provides opportunities for character development, responsibility training, positive reinforcement, success, encouragement, and a real chance to alter a young persons attitude and lifestyle. But if there is one single component that we feel is the most important to our formula, it's this - Tough Love! For many of the young people who come to Victory Forge, this will be the first time they will experience the stability of a rigid schedule, discipline, and high expectations. They will learn what to expect and what is expected of them. Each young person is made to feel important, because they are important. A Challenging growth producing environment is provided to the youth by their emersion into a highly structured Positive Behavior Modification Program. Each young person will be encouraged to gain the best scores possible so that they may participate in activities specifically designed for this purpose.  Educational needs of the youth are provided for in the Academy, our on-grounds learning center, which is registered with the Florida Department of Education. The academy utilizes an individualized program with high motivational emphasis. Each student works at his own level of learning under the watchful eye of our academy instructors. This curriculum and style of learning has received world wide acclaim and has been proven very successful in assisting students who have fallen behind in school to make tremendous progress and re-enter the mainstream classroom. Job assignments are important for the development of character and responsibility in youth. Each child is given daily chores, and work assignments to be performed under staff supervision and guidance. Interpersonal Relationship Skills Training is taught in group sessions. Topics include anger management, conflict resolution, and communicating with authority and peers.

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