Troubled Teens
Teen Alcohol Abuse
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Teen Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol is the number one drug of choice for teens, but it is also extremely dangerous. For instance, teens who drink are more likely to have a car crash, get into a fight, have unsafe sex, or experience problems in school. The problem of youth substance abuse is often blamed on their inability to "just say no." The reality is young people constantly get mixed messages from adults and communities. How can you send clear and consistent messages to your teen about alcohol use? Never buy alcohol for anyone under 21. Lock up and monitor your alcohol at home. Do not allow your teen to have a party that involves alcohol. Know who they're spending time with. Going to parties without a parent or adult there is usually not a good idea. Tell your teen that it's against your rules for them to drink and that alcohol is not a rite of passage.

Finally, model responsible behavior. Much of what teens do is a result of your actions and your relationship with them. Talk about alcohol and listen to what your teen has to say. If you think your teen may have an alcohol problem, seek help. Here is a list of programs for teens with substance/ alcohol abuse problems.

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